Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 8

Smiling Friends Season 1 Episode 8

 “Charlie Dies and Won’t Come Back” is the eighth and final episode of the first season of Smiling Friends.


Charlie is indeed dying.



The episode opens with a “Twas the Night Before Christmas” style narration explaining that everyone is in the holiday spirit except for Charlie, who is playing a game rather than decorating and just wants to get off work early. The boss enters the room and asks the men to cut down the tree, much to Charlie’s frustration. As the group wanders into the woods, Charlie remarks that he wants the job done. Pim asks what’s going on, but Charlie explains that he thinks it’s reasonable that he doesn’t want to work on Christmas Eve, to which Pim says that his sour mood is weighing on everyone else (although Alan and Glep don’t seem unconcerned.) Pim he points out how Charlie always seems to try to solve the problems he faces with little or no effort, regardless of the consequences, and uses the encounter with Desmond as evidence. Charlie says he might as well point out the problems Pim is having, but he doesn’t as Alan points to a tree to cut down. He offers the task to Pim, but before he can accept it, Charlie grabs an ax and starts chopping down a tree in frustration, sarcastically saying that he’s helping out for once. As he mockingly asks the others if they are in a bad mood, a tree crashes into Charlie, causing his head to horribly explode, to the stunned silence of the other three.

The flash cuts to a scene where Charlie wakes up in Hell, where a demon claiming to be Charlie’s new master introduces him to his new living space, including Jeremy – his only form of entertainment. Charlie threatens to punch Jeremy if he does it again before the fiery background peels away to reveal it was just a sheet of paper. The demon reveals that the Devil is feeling depressed, his mismanagement has literally caused Hell to freeze over. Charlie comments on how he can help, but the demon threatens to stab him with pitchforks. Charlie then points out that the pitchforks are just cardboard, which the demon smashes into and asks him to leave anyway. He then runs into his grandmother, who was sent to hell after she screamed “damn” when she saw her husband get his brains blown out by a thief in 1958. Noting that it shouldn’t have been enough for her to go to Hell, Charlie asks her grandmother where she can find the Devil, to which she points to a giant hole that leads to the 9th circle. Before leaving, she offers him a half-eaten pacifier, which Charlie declines.

A montage of Charlie’s journey through Hell is shown as a song describing the Christmas in Hell games. Jeremy tries to do his act again, which leads to Charlie punching him – as promised – which disrupts the demon. He walks past a group of menacing men who are half-frozen in ice and arrives at the Devil’s Room. When he enters, he finds himself passing the time playing the same game Charlie was playing at the beginning of the episode. The devil explains that he’s been putting off filling out his paperwork and answering work emails, mostly because he won’t get paid until his job—which takes forever—is done. Charlie asks if he could be sent back to Earth if he can help cheer him up, to which he agrees. Before Charlie can offer his first suggestion, the food delivery boy arrives and delivers the food from Salty’s to the Devil, even though they forgot the straw that bothers him. Charlie goes on to say that the Devil probably isn’t happy because he’s stuck in a loop of short-term dopamine rushes, and suggests that he start small, like adding more healthy food to his diet. However, he responds with an insult, saying that the “criticism” has soured his mood and smokes from his pen. Charlie points out that this is avoiding the problem, but the Devil, now enraged, orders Charlie to be tortured by other demons – including Jeremy, who finally punches him back. The Devil notes how Charlie’s suffering fills him with joy, to which Charlie points out that he just made him laugh. However, he refuses to let him go because of how he still pissed him off, but is interrupted by Gilbert God-fried, who saves Charlie after fulfilling their agreement. Gilbert and Charlie escape as the former explains that it was an ordeal so Charlie could see the flaws in his own personality and he can now live life for the better before sending him back to Earth.

Meanwhile, Charlie’s funeral is held, attended by Pim, Alan, Glep, The Boss, Dave (the owner of Daveland), a somehow revived Century Egg, as well as Glep and Charlie’s girlfriend. The boss goes to speak and recites slam poetry in Charlie’s honor. However, as the casket descends, Charlie slams back down to earth in a yellow puddle before regenerating into his normal – albeit naked – form. The boss remarks that it’s a Christmas miracle, and Pim questions how that’s even possible, which Charlie refuses to elaborate on due to how traumatic the experience was. Pim hugs him and apologizes for the argument, which makes him uncomfortable as he is currently naked. The episode ends with the narrator explaining how the story was, how Charlie managed to get his groove back, revealing that the narrator is Elder Glep, who was reading the story of the episode to his grandson. The grandson wonders whether or not the story was true, to which Glep notes that it was all true; Hell is real and Christianity was right all along. He apologizes to his disappointed grandson before wishing the audience a Merry Christmas.


[play intro]
[The episode begins on Christmas Day.]
Narrator: Our story begins on Christmas Day in a small humble charity called Smiling Friends. [The scene shows Smiling Friends Inc. on Christmas Eve.] A group of jolly critters work here dedicated to making the world a better place. [The scene cuts to the title Smiling Friends in an office full of Christmas decorations, Pim trying to hang Christmas lights while standing on a ladder, Charlie sitting on a chair, on a table, playing Rust on his laptop, which the latter is next to some energy drinks, Alan he brings a tray of Christmas cookies out of the oven and Glep is asleep in his lounge chair with a mug of hot chocolate and a plate of half-eaten cookies.] They were all on vacation. spirit. [Charlie drinks one of his energy drinks and continues playing Rust.] Well, except for one ugly, yellow one.
Pim: Charlie, can you help me turn on these lights?
Charlie: Uh, yeah, give me a minute, man.
Pim: Come on, let’s liven up the office with these funny decorations.
Charlie: Dude, what’s the difference? We leave work in about five minutes.
[The boss opens the door and appears in the office wearing a Christmas uniform.]
Boss: Hey guys, before you run out of here, I have a last minute job for you. This job is for me, your favorite character, the boss. I need a Christmas tree for the office. Ha, ha. [winks]
Pim: [Climbs down the ladder.] That sounds wonderful. A Christmas Adventure!
Charlie: Come on, really? It’s Christmas Eve, man. I was just about to go home.
Pim: It’ll be fun, Charlie. Last work before the end of the year.
[The scene cuts to a snowy transition where the Smiling Friends are shown getting out of the car and beginning to walk through a snowy landscape of hills and trees.]
Pim: Oh, that’ll be great. I can’t wait to find the perfect Christmas tree. Which one do you want to get? There’s – Oh, there’s a bunch.
Charlie: Yeah. Look, look, uh, let’s make it quick. I really don’t want to be here all night.
Pim: What’s wrong with you today, Charlie?
Charlie: What? Wh-what are you talking about?
Pim: I don’t know. You just – I don’t know. You seem upset or something.
Charlie: I’m not – I’m not upset, Pim. I just don’t want to work on Christmas Day. And I think that’s a pretty reasonable position.
Pim: When you’re in this mood, I don’t know if you realize it, but it actually affects everyone else’s mood. It brings us down a bit.
Charlie: Wait. Stamina. Hold- No, no. It affects you. No one else- Alan, are you affected by anything- anything that’s going to happen?
Alan: I don’t really care.
Charlie: Are you affected?
Alan: I just want to find a tree.
Charlie: Okay. So in other words, it is not affected. See, Pim, here’s the thing – just because you’re, you know, very positive and cheerful about everything doesn’t mean everyone else has to conform.
Pim: I’m just saying, you seem to be in that mood a lot, like it’s not just a one time thing. You seem to be like that a lot.
Charlie: What do you mean? What is it – What does it mean?
Pim: Well, it was the same with Desmond, wasn’t it? I had to motivate you to do it.
Charlie: Okay. Good. Yeah. Good. Good.
Pim: Charlie, you didn’t want to do the work and I had to motivate you, as I often have to do.
Charlie: Okay. Yeah, how many months ago was Desmond. Also, dude, that’s a weird thing to bring up specifically because it was one of those times when you weren’t in the best of moods. So the fact that you tempt me… to ask me.
Pim: Charlie, I’m just bringing stuff and it’s not just Desmond.
Charlie: Oh.
Pim: It’s – it’s every job we do. You never want to do anything. Sometimes it’s just a little exhausting. That’s all I’m saying.
Charlie: You know, I could do the same to you. I could throw things at you…
Pim it Charlie: Okay, say it. Say it to me. I would like to say what people say about me.
[Smiling Friends approach the Christmas tree to chop it down with an axe.]
Alan: Okay, how about this tree?
Pim: Yeah, that’s cool. Let’s do it.
Charlie: Looks good.
Alan: Okay. Pim, do you want to chop it up?
Pim: Yeah, sure.
Charlie: No, no, you know what? Let me do it. [Charlie grabs Alan’s ax.] I will. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.
[Charlie begins to chop down the tree with said axe.]
Pim: Careful, Charlie.
Charlie: Pim, I’m just helping out, aren’t I? Something you think I’ll never do, right? Oh, is this… just putting someone in a bad mood, huh? Does it put anyone in a bad mood?
[The Christmas tree that Charlie is chopping down falls on him and even kills Charlie in the process. Pim, Alan, and Glep are all stunned into silence.]
[Sequence of rapid playback of frames. An explosion and crack of light are also heard from the explosion and lighting shown in sequence.]
[Charlie moans]
[The scene shows Charlie waking up in Hell and seeing a volcano in the background. He also sees a close-up of the demon.]
Demon: [yelling] Welcome to H-e-double hockey sticks! I am your master now. [Shows Charlie’s hell mattress.] Here’s your hell mattress. [Shows Charlie’s hell toilet.] This is your hell toilet. [Shows Jeremy to Charlie.] And this is Jeremy, your only form of hellish fun.
Jeremy: [yelling] Blblblblblblblblblll!
Charlie: Dude, if you do that again, I’ll punch you, I’m not kidding.
Demon: Well, you’ll be here forever, Charlie, so get used to it! Blaaahhh!
[The background of the Inferno peels off and falls onto the inferno mattress and the toilet.]
Charlie: I thought it was hell. Where is the real fire?
Demon: Okay. Okay, you made me tired. Isn’t this place what it used to be? To be honest, Satan has been down in the dumps lately and he is not doing well. As a result, hell literally froze over.
Charlie: Down in the junkyard? Wait, I think I could help him. That’s what I do. I am a smiling friend.
Demon: But if you try to leave, I’ll stab you with my wicked pitchforks. No!
Charlie: That’s made of cardboard, man.
Demon: You know what? I put a lot of work into this thing. Just-just leave. I don’t really want you here right now. J-just get out h-get out of here. Leave. [Crying] Go away. [Charlie leaves the room.]
[The demon sniffs and continues to cry]
[Charlie opens the door and leaves the room.]
[The next scene shows Hell covered in snow and ice. Two of Satan’s evil minions are seen together. One of them is talking to the other.]
Charlie: [sighs] Okay. Now I just have to find the devil.
[Charlie hears his grandmother.]
Charlie’s Grandma: Oh, my beautiful granddaughter.
Charlie: Grandma, what are you doing here?
Charlie’s Grandma: Oh, I swore and said Damn! In 1958, when I saw your grandfather get shot in the head by that rotten robber.
Charlie: That seems a little unreasonable. I don’t think you should be in hell for that. Uh, Grandma, you don’t happen to know where I’d find Satan, do you?
Charlie’s Grandma: Oh, of course. Go down that scary hole. [He points his finger at a large hole.] You will find him in the lower circle of Hell.
Charlie: Oh, honey. Thanks, grandma.
Charlie’s Grandma: Oh, [brings out hard candies for her grandson.] you should have a nice piece of hard candy on the way, Charlie. Here you go.
Charlie: No thanks, Grandma. I’m fine. Thanks anyway.
Charlie’s Grandma: More for me. [Laughter]
[Charlie’s grandmother sucks a hard candy in her mouth.]
Christmas Hell Song: [Charlie walks through an icy hell.] Well, it’s Christmas in H-e-double-I.
[The flying demon picks up the devil and throws him off the cliff.]
Devil: Aaahh!
Christmas Hell Song: [Two large muscular demons are shown in the background as Charlie crawls up the ledges.] Yeah, hell and doom. The bells are ringing. [Charlie walks on a frozen lake of skeletons under the ice.] Make yourself suffer a little and up a tree. [A giant snake crawls in the frozen lake.] [Charlie walks across the bridge.] Cause down here. The holidays last forever. [Charlie sees flying demons heading towards him on the bridge.] [Runs off the bridge.] [Charlie hides behind a melting piece of ice from a fire monster that melts said ice.] There is fiery frustration. There are all kinds of deterioration. [The fire-breathing monster is eaten alive by a demon-like monster. Charlie immediately runs away.] [Charlie walks through a large swarm of Bliblies-like demons] There are a thousand points of infinite pain. [Charlie sees a large Cacodemon-like demon.] There’s no better destination for a great celebration. [Charlie passes a large demon.] H-e-double-I. [Charlie climbs a large hill of icy rocks. The camera follows a large frozen lake of heads.]
[Wind whistling]
Charlie: [sighs] Okay. I’m almost there. I think the biggest surprise is over.
Jeremy: [yelling] Blblblblblblblblblll!
[Charlie punches Jeremy in the stomach.
[Jeremy groans]
Charlie: Dude, I warned you. I said I would if you did it again.
[Charlie leaves]
[Jeremy’s moaning continues]
[A howl is heard.]
[Charlie walks through a frozen lake of heads and faces.]
Hell Face: You never leave!
Hell Face 2: This is your final resting place.
Hell Face 3: Time’s Up Charlie.
Frozen Head: I’m sorry. I didn’t think to say anything.
Charlie: No, there’s no pressure, man. It’s all good. You didn’t have to – you didn’t have to say anything.
[Charlie approaches the large door of Satan’s room.]
Charlie: Okay. Here I go.
[Charlie knocks on the door.]
Satan: [Demonic voice] What do you do?
Charlie: Uh…to make you smile.
[Satan’s Door Opens]
[Charlie walks into Satan’s room and sees the devil playing Rust on one of his computers.]
Satan: [Normal voice] What’s going on?
Charlie: Not really, dude. So I hear you’ve got some hell control issues or something. Uh, so what’s going on?
Satan: Uh, yeah, I don’t know. It’s just too much damn work. You know? Look, I have 100 emails from my Gmail account. I have to do a lot of pointless paperwork that I’ve been putting off. And, you know, the worst thing is, you know, I don’t get paid until the end of my job, which is forever, it’s forever, so it’s forever. So I just don’t like it anymore. I just don’t like it anymore.
[He goes back to playing Rust on his computer.]
Charlie: I know this might seem a little silly, but I think I might be able to help cheer you up and bring Hell back to normal. I really wasn’t ready to die yet. I thought if I succeeded you could send me back to Earth.
Satan: Okay. Trade.
Charlie: Okay, I mean, off the top of my head, you tried, uh-
[An alert is heard from Satan’s cell phone.]
Satan: I’m sorry. One second. Yes, it is unlocked. You can enter.
[The door opens to reveal a large bag of Salty being shoved into the room by the MeepEats delivery man.]
Satan: Right over there- Yeah, over there. It’s alright. Yes.
MeepEats Deliveryman: I didn’t know if it was this place or the next one–
Satan: I think it has something to do with how the address appears in the app. You know, it’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it.
MeepEats Deliveryman: Okay. Yeah. I just, uh… just need to take a quick picture of the food.
Satan: Yes. Yeah. No, all good.
[Satan puts down Salty’s big bag.]
[MeepEats Deliveryman takes a picture of Salty’s bag on his cell phone. A camera shutter click is heard.]
MeepEats Deliveryman: Ok thank you sir.
Satan: Yeah, thanks.
MeepEats Deliveryman: Good night.
Satan: You have a good one.
MeepEats Deliveryman: Happy Holidays.
Satan: Merry Christmas.
[MeepEats Deliveryman closes the door.]
[Satan pulls a wrapped hamburger out of Salty’s bag.]
Satan: I hope they didn’t forget the straw again. They always do. [Pulls a box of junk chips out of the bag.] [Then finds a soda cup in the bag without a straw.] And they did. Good good. They forgot about it. Cold. Exactly what I wanted. [Grabs a wrapped burger and unwraps it.] Exactly – exactly what I wanted, actually. Cold. [Eats a very unhealthy burger.] Sorry. did you say something
Charlie: No, no, it’s- Yeah, whatever. Uh, anyway, as I carried, you seem unmotivated to do things because you’re stuck in a loop of short-term dopamine rushes. Why don’t you just try starting small, like, eat healthier or something?
Satan: Are you seriously criticizing me?
Charlie: No, no, no, not at all. Just trying to help, man.
Satan: You put me in a worse mood than I was before. [Satan grabs the pen and exhales.] Oh, damn [beep].
Charlie: Okay, you see, like right there. That’s a good example. You avoid the situation by hitting the vape pen.
Satan: [Demonic voice] [yelling] Enough! I’m not addicted! I could quit my addictive vices whenever I wanted!
[The devils speak slurred and begin torturing Charlie.]
Devils: Charlie is here forever! (it repeats)
Charlie: Wait! No! No! No! No! No!
[Charlie is tormented by devils.]
Devils: Oh ha!
[Bliblies as demons also torment Charlie. Jeremy appears and punches Charlie in the face.]
Satan: Ha ha! It gives me great pleasure to see such a poor thing as you being tortured.
Charlie: Wait, wait, you’re happy. When you saw me being tortured terribly, you smiled.
Satan: [Normal voice] Oh, well, I guess you’re right.
Charlie: Oh, honey. So you let me go, okay?
Satan: Huh. No. You pissed me off dude. I’ll still torture you forever, man. Forever, man.
Charlie: No. What? No, that’s not fair.
God: [offscreen] A deal’s a deal! [God enters Hell to save Charlie.] Quick, Charlie, get in. [Charlie falls into God’s hand and saves him.]

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